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Education of the heart is the Heart of the Education


Education alone is the key for the doors of development and liberation of the poor and marginalized sections of the society. Todays (28th September 2011) English News paper TIMES OF INDIA has published an article which says, India is the richest poor country in the world! It is well said!! India is projected to be a fast growing economy next to America, China and Japan. It is in terms of market! India like china is a thickly populated country where there is large scope for production and consumption. However, there is wide spread disparity and deep rooted discrimination and social exclusion in India. The rich are becoming richer while the poor are becoming poorer. It all depends on the accessibility to resources and opportunities. The poor are deprived of quality education and they are unable to compete with their rich high class who deprive them of their opportunities.

Our priests in South East India Province are engaged in diverse ministries, like parish missions, Preaching Ministry, Education, Youth Animation and Social Activities – Rehabilitation, Woman empowerment, Social Awareness Programmes, Upliftment of the poor, tribal and Dalits, Education of the drop-outs, career Guidance, Formation of self – help groups, etc., This articale focuses mainly on children education in our province.

This particular articale speakes about less privillaged children education project which aims to provide the poor and marginalized sections ample opportunity to learn and equip them with necessary knowledge and skills through provision of educational facilities. It is an investment in human development. Hence this project deserves partnership for promoting social equity, gender equity and development


1. Friendly Home- Alangayam Fransalian Institute for Aid and Training
2. SFS PETTY HOME- Kolli Hills {mainly focusses on the tribel children Education}
3. Mayoraz children’s home-Vayalogam


We as Fransalians commit ourselves whole heartedly to create students as persons fully human who are intellectually and physically formed with spiritual strength and social approach. We engage ourselves together with Staff and Students Cultivating in their minds and hearts a responsibility to stand for truth and values following the great example lived and proclaimed by Jesus Christ and St. Francis de Sales. We promote social awareness in keeping the surroundings clean and neat. Programmes are conducted and meetings are held regarding saving Nature and proper usage of the Natural resources. Skill-development and leadership trainings are organized to bring about good society and building up a better world. The process of conscientizing the children to respect the elders and parents have brought more positive responses to our institutes.

More specifically in the social apostolate we provide human, educational, social, cultural and moral development for the poor children and people. And we create better living conditions to the orphan and semi orphan children and people around by living as brothers and sisters where we are.

2. To educate and organize the poor children in order to preserve and improve the ecological conditions of the area.
3. To enhance the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of the poor children in order to continue the great mission of Jesus Christ

2.Goals of our Children homes

* The promotion of the whole person according to each one’s capabilities is the main goal of our work.
* Strive to keep alive and to increase awareness of human dignity and vocation helping to open souls to the joy of the gift of life.
* Guide each person entrusted to our care towards the formation of a good heart, capable of sincere relationships, wide acceptance of others, sensitive to the needs of those around them and available for fraternal assistance.
* Bring the underprivileged sections of the society into the mainstreams of the nation by imparting free education to the students at the Primary, Middle, High and Higher Secondary level.

We have been imparting free education to our students since 2011 with the support of benefactors, foreign donors and well-wishers. We have totally 115 children in all our three children homes. Our institutions are well known among the rural population for its service. We are proud of our service and noble mission. There are an increasing number of enrolments of students in our institutions. We have no other option but to accommodate all and to give educational support to everyone. We are willing to support many of the children from the rural background, in carrying out this educational mission among the deprived children.

3.Objectives of the Project

The objectives of the boys’ homes are to:
  • * select abandoned, orphans, semi-orphans from remote rural areas of Tamil Nadu and to give them new life through proper education that will enable them to enter the main stream of society and live with human dignity;
    * give an opportunity to the students for their physical, psychological, emotional, social, educational and holistic human development;
    * give formal academic and technical education;
    * take care of the physically handicapped children and rehabilitate them

  • Criteria for Selection of Children

    * The following are the criteria for the selection of children.
    * Orphans, semi-orphans and abandoned children
    * Children from families that have lost their bread-winner
    * Physically challenged children

    Mode of Selection

    We select the candidate only with the knowledge and recommendation of the parish priest. We collect all possible particulars and data about the candidate-his family, and his social, moral, economical background. Our services should reach as many children as possible.

    Extra-Curricular Activities

    The techniques of karate are being taught to all the students including the handicapped as a combination of recreation, exercise, and self-defense on weekends. In addition to that, the students are given opportunities to witness their performances in the tournaments conducted at various levels.
    Yoga is an art being taught to develop a perfect balance between the body and the mind. It helps the students to keep themselves free from illness and diseases.
    Band music is also taught to the students. The band-group plays music for all kinds of functions and programmes in the Boys Home as well as outside.
    Karnatic music is being introduced and taught. It refines character and deepens emotions in the part of the student’s life.


    The orphans and other less-privileged children in this part of the world face severe survival crisis. Poverty, chronic food deficit, drought, unemployment, and lack of government support systems put these children in difficult circumstances. It’s hoped that our project take care of children from poor and marginalized background for their welfare and education. They do have ray of hope in coming up in their life. With God Given chance, they will come up in life with flying colours and place themselves in an enviable position.