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  • A Guest From Italy


The world day programme was started at 10.30 PM surprisingly, a special guest Ms.Amenda from Italy joined with us

She expressed happiness on her presence and participation in the programme. Through little, too sufficient oration was given by her.

Quoting bible Rev. Fr. R.Savarinathan conveyed some useful messages. When the disciple asked unto our Lord Jesus that whose responsibility is it for the different ability. He replied that nobody could claim reasonability but the God wanted to reveal out through such person. Hence, he advised all the beneficiaries to be self-confident in life.

All the officials lectured for promoting confidence and ignoring the feeling of inabilities. They educated about the methods of getting support for the rehabilitation. Persons with different abilities in our project shared their experiences. Recalling their past excluded living conditions, they exampled our programmes to clear how the present improvement was attained through PMSSS. When banks turned-down their requests for loan, our project extended them maiden support; they happily spoke out.


When we could reach out the extreme grassroots to serve the people, it is a moral obligation to inter link with all the available resource sectors and vice versa. This situation and cooperation achievable so far is a mile stone crossed.

As observed earlier, the world AIDS say was organized on the 1st December 2011. An awareness procession was started by the district collector of Pudukkottai Ms.Maheshewari. The pledge taking ceremony was held headed by her. It emphasized our responsibilities to control and eradicate the HIV /AIDS and care for the affected people.

Higher officer, representatives of NGOs, networks and PLHAs participated in the rally walking a kilometer distance and conducted a meeting in our animation training centre. I reiterated that all of us should be motherly to care for the excluded people and all of us should severe to prevent risks, difficulties and problems in the health. The medical expert advised to follow their commandments band promote faith in the coming generation.

The PLHAs numbering about 150 persons were supplied with nutrition, provided with meals, guide book.It was a juncture to reveal and strengthen the like mindedness of the PMSSS with the local sectors.

Farmer Group & Federation

As planned, we covered yearly 10 villages and 30 in the project period. Formal meeting were held in all the area and information on the marati farm and the need of applying scientific techniques in agriculture was stressed. As to decentralize the benefits from this project, we formed men and women groups in all the villages. Each group consisted farmers ranging from 12-20 persons who are aged above 18 years.

They keep on conducting meeting monthly and their main activities are to save money jointly and to lend internally, to get training from our project and then transmit to the others, to coordinate with local resource sectors for technical and training support ect., they have also been formed into federations at the panchayat and union levels. All of them remarkably united as community based organizations [CBOs]. Our farmers are members also in the “Vidiyal Micro Credit and Programmes[VMSP] as a part of the CBO. They have their own share in it which is separately maintained as common fund [CF]. it is used for their CBO activities under Livelihood and Right Based causes.

Meeting & Training

After formalizing the farmer group activities in all the villages; we facilitated them to organize meeting every month. It enabled us to provide them new concept and knowledge for their detailed discussion and analysis. The data corroborated that women’s participation was higher and regular and their attendance was up to 80% all their monthly works were properly recorded in the minute’s book and accounts registers.

We organized training to the group leaders firstly and later to the members. The leaders were cap cited to become trainers and know basic knowledge on alternate and sustainable agricultural methods. Some programmes were sponsored by the government sectors which also were strengthening to train the farmers. The panchayat premises, marati farm, ATC in Pudukkottai etc.,

World Health Day

The health being a common subject to be dealt with collective approaches, an inter action within the community and between the resource sectors is felt essential. Accordingly, many a opportunities were made use of properly to ensure that the people are led towards getting Good Health.

Awareness procession presided over by Rev. Fr.Savarinathan Secretary, PMSSS and set out by joint director of health services. As a part of it, in addition to CBR services to differently challenged persons; relief & victims; major emphasis has been given on improving general health of the people by us for a long time. Organizing various programmes marking the world health day is one of our incessant initiatives.

The world health day-2010 was observed on the 16th April, 2010 in Pudukkottai capital. It involved people leaders from all over the districts’ parts, resource persons, medical officer, NGO representative etc.,

The Programmes

An awareness procession was started by 11.00 AM at the district’s office campus in the heart of the town. This occasion was presided over by Rev. Fr.Savarinathan, PMSSS secretary and the rally was set out by the joint director of health services.

Raising slogan stressing the need of improved health conditions and against the superstitions/ evil some practices, more than 200 women launched the rally up to conference hall of PMSSS.

At our above hall, a meeting was organized. Medical officers from Tuberculosis Division, NGO representatives and Rev. Fr.j.lourdu Xavier Director of PMSSS etc., were the resource persons. They disseminated very useful information with the people on this day.