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S.F.S INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL S.F.S. is the group of institutions which serves the people of Tamil Nadu in the field of education, social work and also in empowering the rural mass. A special attention is given to 10th Class drop outs students to complete the 10th Class and skill training programs. S.F.S. I.T.I in Addapagarasathiram is the place for wholesome development which caters the needs of the rural unemployed youth and women. Fransalian Rural Development Society concentrates ‘on the peri-urban, rural and tribal areas focusing on Women, Children and the Youth belonging to below poverty line families and marginalized minority

communities including refugees. Almost all the poor people come under the unorganized sector characteristics of which are (i) no employment guarantee, (ii) no minimum wages, (iii) no facilities or perks, (iv) more than 10 hours of work a day and (v) no legal provision to resolve disputes. The unemployment situation is very grim for the school dropout boys and girls especially when graduates and postgraduates are competing with them for jobs that do not even pay a decent remuneration.

Presently the institution offers non-formal trainings (welding, two wheeler four wheeler mechanic, Computer technology and skill training programs. Welding and motor mechanic are trades recognized by Tamil Nadu government. This institution has been serving the rural people from 2004.

Henceforth the institution has initiated short term courses (3months) welding and motor mechanic, mushroom Farming Areca nut plate making vermi composed and vocational Agriculture training for sustainability.


THE BACKGROUND AND PROGRAMME OF THE IMPLEMENTING ORGANIZATION  Fransalian Rural Development Society is a non-profit and Charitable Social Development Organization, founded by MSFS Fathers in Tamil Nadu. It is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1975 [Tamil Nadu Act27 of 1975].FRDS is serving the population of Tamil Nadu without any bias to caste, creed, religion and linguistic groups.43/2004 June 22nd.

VISSION FOR FRANSALIAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY  We visualize a society where human potential finds meaningful expression to be self-reliant an environment of equal opportunity for both men and women in peace, just and unity.

MISSION OF FRANSALIAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY  Our Mission is to empower the youth, women and vulnerable people following a Right Based Approach by capacity building through people’s organizations, networking with likeminded organizations and Government agencies.

Training to Farmers  New knowledge for spreading techniques was imported. In sustainable agriculture activities, farm management organic manure preparation, hybrid seeds ect., We organized 21 programmes under different titles involving resource experts. Kindly see Table C.Totally, 1082 farmer got trained. In addition to dissemination of technologies on alternate agriculture, they predominantly taught on sustaining self- confidence.